Jan 12, 2022
Burnout has been an issue for healthcare workers far before the COVID-19 pandemic. So, how are our frontline healthcare workers, who often didn't have good mental health to begin with, coping amidst all of this trauma?
Joining us today is psychiatrist Dr. Jessica ("Jessi") Gold, MD, MS. Dr. Gold is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University in St Louis School of Medicine, specializing in physician wellness, medical education, and college mental health. In this episode, she talks about healthcare workers' mental health and steps health systems and mental health professionals can take to support them better.
Dr. Jessi Gold writes about being burned out herself: https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2021/03/04/physician-burnout-covid-19-pandemic-jessi-gold
Instagram: @drjessigold
Twitter: @drjessigold
For a transcript of this episode, visit: https://apafdn.org/news-events/mentally-healthy-nation-podcast/mental-health-and-burnout-in-frontline-healthcare-